Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Started a big book!

Also just wanted everyone to know I've started reading Eldest. I read Eragon (As always the book is waaaay better than the movie) and loved it. So now I'm reading Eldest, and then on to Brisingr. YAY. So probably this weekend I will sit down and write about what I have read so far. Also I'm going to try to start writing about the many books I have at home as well. Lots of sap and vampires and other creatures. Very cool. But as always I'm up for any suggestions.

Irish Magic-Short stories by Susan Wiggs, Morgan Llywelyn, Barbara Samuel & Roberta Gellis

Sorry guys, haven't been slacking on the reading as much as slacking on the writing about the reading. I have a couple books to put up that I've read over the past week. This one is in my, I'm a sap and I love love stories, section.

The first story was Galway Bay by Morgan Llywelyn. Her name is Eileen and she's gone to Ireland on a vacation of sorts, partially to purchase things for a shop she owns back in New York, and the other part to just get away. Someone is watching her from afar. On her ventures around Galway Bay she meets a professor, who tells her about the Ron, the seal-people. Of course being an intelligent women she doesn't believe him, so he takes her to a beach, very quiet and sneaky and shows her what looks to be seals laying about. But are they really seals? You hear the thoughts of the one who's watching, sure that she is the one he wants. It's a very sweet story. The only question is, who is he? Well I'll leave that up to you.


The next story is The Harper's Daughter by Barbara Samuel. You hear the story of Deirdre who was so beautiful she brought death with her. And of a king who was caught in her trap. One problem is, Dierdre dissagrees with that. She was marked at birth to be so beautiful that the king had to have her. So she was hidden away in the woods till she was old enough so that she wouldn't cause any problems, only to come out so that she could marry him. But while she is growing in the woods, she dreams of a handsome man, and longs to be with him, even if only in her dreams. Well she's finally brought to the castle for everyone to meet the future queen, and while she's there the king has 3 brothers set to protect her from any problems. Low and behold the oldest brother is the man from her dreams. YAY! One problem though, he's like a son to the king. (oops) They get alone for a minute and fall in love, but snap, she's still supposed to marry the king, who is old enough to be her dad. (eww) So Naisi (Hot dream guy) and Deirdre have some hot steamy kisses, where his brothers catch him and tell him his crazy, not that he cares. And then sends her to bed before he does anything too stupid. Well she wakes up in the morning from another crazy dream and looks outside to see if he's there. She catches a glimpse of him and his brothers leaving, and because she can't bear to leave him she runs after him. He was trying to be strong, but that totally blew it. So they bring her with them, off to see the warrior druid woman who had the profecy of her causing bloodshed to begin with, hoping to see if she can save them. Well of course the king and his men chase after her. They make it to the camp and get to the druid and ask for help. She gives them each a bag of magic powder to use when the king gets there, but will it stop the bloodshed? Will their love be strong enough to make the magic work? I liked this one, good suspense.

The Trysting Hour by Susan Wiggs. Story starts out with a man and a women who love so strong and so pure. But something happens and they are torn apart. Some years later Aideen is getting ready for her marraige to the High King Echu. While in preparation she receives a gift from someone she doesn't know. It's a necklace, she puts it on and gets flashes of memories from another life, of love so strong. But then it goes away, and she thinks she imagines it. So they go forth with the wedding. While at the ceremony a man comes forth and introduces himself as the one who gave her the necklace. While prepping for the night with her new husband she see's the man again, and he calls to her. While meeting up close she finally recognizes him, her love, her mate. But before they can kiss a noise happens and he dissappears in a flash of smoke. Her new husband comes and gets her to bring her into her new home with him. Preparing herself for the night ahead she lays down with him, and next thing you know, he falls asleep! And so this goes on and on. Each day with no change from her new husband, still falling asleep each night before coming close to her. Well then one day Echu comes to her and tells her he knows, and tries to get forceful with her. But before anything can happen he falls to the floor. In an effort to save her husband she goes to a sacred place at the trysting hour, where instead of seeing Echu she see's Naill, the man of her memories, who is actually an immortal. He tries to help her remember that they belong together, in his world. But she turns away, as a mortal she is bound to its laws, and she is by law married to Echu. She can not leave. He tells her that she too was once an immortal, but to save her from a jealous sorcerous he turned her mortal. She is crushed by the realization that while she loves him, she can not leave. So he vanishes again, too weak to stay. For months she wishes for his return. And when he does it's he who does not remember their love. So it's her turn to convince him of it, while he plays games of chance with the High King. See if she succeeds or if she's stuck with Echu, who treats her no more than a posession.

And last but not least, Rarer than a White Crow by Roberta Gellis. Angus, an immortal, goes down to the river and there find The Morrigan, the goddess of war. She tells him she has a quest kinda thing for him. She shows him an image of a warrior woman and tells him he must find her and win her heart, and he will love her for the end of his days and she will be a great queen. She puts a spell on him that will kill him if he does not find her and find her soon. So he goes to check if any family knows. Shoot to Caer who is our beautiful warrior woman, who defends her father's castle though she hates him. The Morrigan comes to her and tells her that Angus is coming and that by lying with him she will bear a daughter who is to be named after her mother, and she will have great significance. Caer tells her no, she can't have her daughter, but the Morrigan assures her that she wont take her away, she just wants it to happen. Caer wants a daughter, so it doesn't seem like a hardship to her. So she waits and finally Angus gets there, and is not what she expects, he's so friendly and kind and patient. He sets out to woo her, and tells her of his desire to be married. Of course she freaks out. But eventually she tells him she wants him, and sets out to seduce him. Needless to say it works. She gets pregnant and then because she has fallen in love with him but is trying to save him from the Morrigan, she sends him away. Of course since he loves her, he's not going easily, so he goes to the local king and queen and explains his situation of wanting to hear that she wont marry him from her, not her jerk of a father. In the process her father scorns the queen, so she gets pissed and threatens to wage war. Well Caer's duty is to protect the castle. All cause Caer loves him and doesn't want him hurt and Angus loves her and wont let her go. Battle is raged. Do she finally admit how she feels? Both to save Angus and their unborn daughter? Gotta read it.

Over all I liked this book, and as you will learn, I don't get rid of books usually, so I'm sure I'll reread this at some point in time when I don't have control of the remote and need some good mush.

Friday, October 17, 2008


So I've kinda been slacking on reading this week. It's been really busy at work and home, and I wasn't feeling too good earlier in the week. I'm doing better now, but am still prepping for the birthday weekend! I'll be back soon on the new book I'm reading!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Books

Here is a list of the new books I got.

By Erica Spindler
-Dead Run
-Killer Takes All
-In Silence
-See Jane Die

By Faye Kellerman
-Th Forgotton

By Carla Neggers
-Dark Sky
-Stonebrook Cottoage
-The Harbor
-Night's Landing
-A Rare Chance

By Jasmine Cresswell

By Karen Robards

By Sandra Brown
-The Crush
-Hello Darkness

By Sharon Sala
-Remember Me
-A Place to Call Home
-Nine Lives
-The Justice Way
-Cut Throat

By Lisa Gardner
-The Survivors Club
-The Perfect Husband

By Elizabeth Lowell
-Always Time to Die
-Fire and Rain
-The Secret Sister
-Midnight in Ruby Bayou

By Lisa Jackson
-Twice Kissed
-If She Only Knew
-Final Scream
-See How She Dies
-Deep Freeze
-Fatal Burn

By Heather Graham
-Ghost Walk
-Hurricane Bay
-Dead on th Dance Floor
-The Vision
-The Seance

By Harlan Coban
-Gone for Good

By Jayne Ann Krentz
-Truth or Dare
-Falling Awake

So those are my new books, if you have any suggestions on what to read first, I'm all eyes!! Eventually I'll get my books I already had up here. And probably write about them too. Might take some time. I read ALOT.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Book Donation

As if I needed more books! A friend of mine at work gave me a huge bag of books. I'm so excited. More books to read!! I'll probably put a list up of what I got but yay books!!!

A Cold Day in Hell by Stella Cameron

Well I finished my first official book since I started this. It was pretty cool. A Cold Day in Hell by Stella Cameron. I'm not exactly sure how they picked the name for it. Most of the time it's kinda obvious. It was pretty cool though. It's one of her Bayou books. There are two mysteries going on at the same time.

One part is women keep getting attacked in the small town of Pointe Judah, Lousiana and no one is sure why. Though they do connect all of the women with a club that they used to be apart of called the Secrets. A womens club basically to gain more confidence in themselves. But apparently the guys didn't like it.

The other part is about the main character Eileen, who's son gets shot in a swamp, but gets healed by the mystic voodoo guy who lives out there. And then while in the arms of a man she's learning to love, they get shot at again. So then you're trying to figure out who the heck is doing that. Could it be her abusive ex-husband who randomly decides to pop back into thier lives claiming he wants her back.

I'm not telling the ending, cause I'm sure the author would like you to read her book. But it is very suspenseful, and has the romance part intertwined too. Not too mushy, but definately hot. I liked it, and will look to be reading more of her books.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jenn's Books

So seeing as I am such an avid book reader, and I go through them so fast I thought I would blog about the books I am currently reading. Hope you like it. If not, suggest different books!!